“When you smile with your face at a stranger that you pass in the store, you lift his spirits somewhat. When you smile with your heart you set his and your spirits free to soar!” ~Archangel Anael~
It takes only a little effort to make someone’s day. Yesterday I went to take my cart back at Aldi’s (it takes a quarter to put in the cart to borrow it, when you return it, you get your quarter back).
My commitment in giving it forward is to leave my cart with the quarter in it.I figured that may help someone having a bad day, feel like someone in the universe is looking out for them.
As I pushed my cart up to the store from my van, an older man got out of his car. I smiled and asked him if he needed my cart. He said yes, then put his hand in his pocket to get a quarter.
“Oh, no…I don’t have any change!” he said as he showed me his hands full of only his keys from his pocket.
I smiled back and said, “It is okay. This is what I do at Aldi’s. I just pay it forward a bit. It is a gift.”
He appeared confused and dove his hand back into his pocket coming back up with the same thing and same apology.
I just smiled and told him it was okay and to have a great day as I walked off.
I can hope the small ripple I created in his pool of life will expand into a fountain of joy.
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