Friday, April 2, 2010


DAY EIGHT: Be in Spirit

Today was an unusual day. I thought it was Saturday and was quite surprised to discover it was Friday and I needed to get moving! I had a pleasant appointment and then met with some wonderful friends for lunch.

After putting together an outline for a new young Reiki student to work on, I came went to the grocery store. I got my usual hug from my favorite bagger. (He works there just so he can spread joy).

I wandered in the parking lot trying to find where the parking lot gnomes had hid my van and met up with a lady sparkling with beautiful energy. It was an uplifting connection.

Then I returned home and relaxed. I pondered on what exactly it was that my lesson was for the day. I kept drawing a blank.

Then I heard Anael say...”get out of your mind, just be in spirit. You don’t have to have a technical answer for everything.”

So I will allow myself to just be in Spirit and not analyze until I paralyze! Life is good and I am enjoying the flight of finding the balance!

Anael’s Affirmation for the Day: “I am in a perfect space of being aligned with Spirit.”

1 comment:

  1. I am learning to spend some time every day thinking shallow thoughts. I'm learning that it's ok not to understand everything, but just to let things be. And to be happy about it. Thank you for this post, Morgana.
