Saturday, April 3, 2010


Expectations can ruin what could be a wonderful experience.

I went to see the Clash of the Titans today. I thought it was awesome. Some of the action scenes reminded me of similar ones in Dragons Lineage: Book Two in the Path of the Dragons Series.

I enjoyed the subtle messages woven throughout the movie that dealt with free-will. These messages are aligned with Archangel Anael’s mission of helping the human race connect with their Divine gifts and exercise the power of free-will.

When I spoke with some people, I heard their disappointment. They were frustrated at how it did not follow the same story line as the original movie they had seen many years ago. It was hard for them to understand the message in the movie, since it was different from the first one.

I asked Anael to share here the lesson in this. These are her words:

“So often one does not enjoy an experience simply because it was not what one had expected. Life is full of change. This is one thing you can always count on and expect. Other than that, nothing is exactly certain…though you have some power to sway the outcome.

When you enter a relationship expecting a person to behave in a certain way, to be romantic in a way that you have experienced before, in a way you have seen in the movies, or the way someone else’s significant other acted… you have set up that relationship to fail.

The same thing will occur when you enter a job expecting a certain outcome. You have set the stage for disappointment.

There are many shifts and changes happening in this world right now. The energies in the last few days have brought up old issues to be dealt with, so you can go into the new. If you do not deal with these issues and learn to bring balance into your life on every level, you will remain in this 3 dimensional world and continue in a place of pain.

If you will let go of expectations and learn how to create on a Divine level, you will begin your journey into the next level of vibrational frequency. The way you used to do things, old relationship standards, ways of thinking have changed.

The only way to be happy in this new world is to step beyond. You are to be the fore-runners. You will be the ones that have happy, beautiful relationships and jobs, but they do not fit the mold of the past.
With our help you will create your realities by writing and speaking it into existence.

This is a magical time in your world. Do not allow yourselves to go backwards by being disappointed that things don’t work in the way they used to.
Instead unite with me and the Angels and fly into the future that you will create with love and joy!

Remember all you must do is to ask us for assistance. We love you with a depth that is hard for you to fathom. Because of this love we will be at your side as you learn to dance outside of the box of earthly expectations. We will teach you how to transform your realities so you can take flight with us!”

~Archangel Anael~ through Morgana Starr 2010

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