Thursday, September 1, 2011


One of my friends asked this on my FaceBook wall: “Is there something particularly strong going on astrologically right now? The past two days have been particularly down/chaotic for many people I know and I'm feeling all kinds of down which is not my normal state of being.”
This is what Anael has to say about it. “Many are feeling the effects of coming out of a particularly trying Mercury Retrograde. It not only lasted almost a month, but also was intense in getting all to release old patterns. These ways you had of dealing with situations in your life, tied you to the energies of the earth. They are human ways of working through challenges in your lives. You pulled drama into your energy field and made everything that happened much harder than it needed to be.
Those of you that are ready to work on your Ascension process are having that energy pattern shaken loose. Remember everything is moving ahead so rapidly now. Manifestations of you, Creators, is happening almost at lightning speed. You MUST let go of your old ways of thinking in order to create beauty around you, instead of chaos and confusion. Drama is the world’s way of doing things. Not the way of an Ascended Being.
Remember to be kind to yourself as you make this shift. You are actually creating new DNA within your body. You have to, in order to raise your vibration. Also, remember there are many that are further along in this process and it is good to ask them for assistance in processing some of these emotions you are swimming through. These healers can help you transmute negative feelings into positive and empowering ones for you.
For it is a process as you let go of your old ways of thinking and step into the new and beautiful Kingdom of Heaven that you are bringing into your very essence! Be true to yourself. Let yourself be guided to the healer that can assist you in moving ahead.
Most importantly ask us…the angels…for help. We want to help you. We love you beyond your perception of what you know love to be.
As always…We Love All…Serve All!”
~Archangel Anael~

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