Thinking happy thoughts brings a joy to your face, making it easy to smile. However, there are sometimes your mind is going ahead to the list of the things to do for the day. When that happens pay attention to the expression on your face. I have found that mine gets stern, with almost a frown.
How many times do you do that while driving or shopping, or listening to a speaker? There is nothing wrong with focusing on the issue at hand. When you look stern, though, that is the energy you give off.
I remember several years ago and even back into my youth, that some people…even strangers…would tell me to smile. Sometimes they would ask why I was mad. I wasn’t mad at anyone, just thinking deeply.
For the last several months I have consciously made it a point to have a slight smile on my face at all times. It is amazing what that does for your energy!
Practice by looking in the mirror with a regular expression on your face. Close your eyes for a moment and tune into how you feel emotionally. Then open your eyes and smile at yourself. Not a big smile, just a slight, gentle smile. Close your eyes again and tune back in.
I think you will find it makes you happier to have a slight smile on your face. So practice doing it until it becomes a habit. You will find even driving to be more enjoyable as when you smile, your spirit is calm.
So this week make it a goal to smile even when no one is looking. The smile is for your own inner peace. When you have that, you have more to share with the world.