Friday, May 20, 2011


We are still feeling the lingering effects of this beautiful Wesak moon. Many of you are preparing to move forward. You feel something wonderful on the horizons, but not sure what direction to take.

I decided to do one thing instead of allowing myself to get overwhelmed with trying to shift everything in my life at once. They say a habit takes 30 days. So for the next 30 days, I have committed to beginning my day at the gym.

In the past I would get there once or twice…sometimes three times a week. I would spend at least an hour to an hour and a half there. That would give me an excuse in my busy schedule not to go.

So I took that excuse away from myself. (Sometimes I have to be rather firm with myself! Lol!) I will go six out of seven days a week. Some days I will do the weights for arms, sometimes legs. I always do cardio and the Tibetan Rites (tomorrow’s blog). It only takes 30 minutes, occasionally more if I decide to ‘pamper’ myself at the gym. (See how I am working on changing my thinking! ‘Good job’ my inner personal trainer voice says! Lol!)

I have noticed this discipline is flowing over into other things in my life. Writing, cleaning, organizing, etc.

I challenge you to join me with your own Full Moon Resolution. Make it something that is right for you. Perhaps to meditate five minutes a day, maybe to read a spiritual book a few minutes a day or maybe it is to do five set-ups a day. (If you haven’t been doing any, then five is great!)

Stick with your one thing until the next Full Moon and then perhaps you will be ready to add another! Enjoy as you grow in your spiritual walk!

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