Wednesday, May 11, 2011


In one of my recent teaching sessions over the phone, my client mentioned that she is so happy to be making shifts in her life. She said she had been “gloom and doom conditioned”. Now that she has broken that conditioning she is filled with joy.

I thought this was a very descriptive comment of how we allow society’s negative thinking to seep into our lives. Many of us bought into the world ending in the year 2000. Then we bought into fearing terrorists behind every building after 9-11. Now we are worried about what will happen in 2012.

The gloom and doom conditioning is a way for dark energies to control our thinking and lower our vibrations. By breaking that pattern and way of thinking, we allow more Light to be brought in on higher vibrations. This causes us to stay in a space of joy and great health in spite of everything around us.

At times we are criticized for being the eternal optimist. But look at it this way. Gloom and doom has enough people on its side. This is evidenced by the news we see on TV. So by Light Workers focusing on the positive, we are helping maintain the balance.

We have already affected a more positive outcome in the world…let us continue on that path as we look within and break that inner conditioning of gloom and doom.

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