Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I am very good at parallel parking, but since I drive a mini-van a tight space can be challenging. Yesterday I was presented with a spot like that. I wanted to park there, since it appeared to be close to my destination.

However, as I began to park I could feel stress rise up in me. There was a car behind waiting patiently for me to get out of the way. I quickly decided I chose not to feel stress. I would go around the block and park in the lot, even though it meant a longer walk.

So I continued to drive on. As I drove I discovered three cars ahead there was a parking spot with two parallel spaces open. I gave a quick thank you to the angels and effortlessly pulled in. When I got out of the van, I saw that I was one door away from my destination instead of the five I would have been from the first spot.

I went to my appointment stress free and was given really good news. (It was taxes that I was trying not to stress over). I pondered on how beautiful it is to go with the flow of least resistance, even in the little things. It sets your energy into a good space and allows you to attract more positive energies in the bigger things that affect your life.

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