Friday, May 27, 2011


Saturday was a challenging day for many people. I wrote on Sunday about how to work at moving through the changes in energy.
However, I asked Spirit for an answer as to why the energy was so heavy on Saturday and a few days prior. I felt the gentle…”well, duh…look at the universal energy that was being sent out about the rapture! Lol!” Spirit is always getting a good laugh out of me!
Of course! The feeling that many people had in believing the rapture would take them away from the heaviness of the world seeped into the universal consciousness. Many people who did not believe this way still were affected by that energy. Remember we are all One.
This is a reminder of how powerful the energy of many people united can affect the planet and all its inhabitants. In the Bible, Jesus alludes to this when he says, “When two or more of you are gathered in my name, I will be there also.”
So not only do our thoughts affect us, but they affect the universal consciousness. I challenge you all to join me the next week in raising energy to one of joy. Simply hold the memory of one of your most joyful moments in your life. Think of it for a minute or two and then release it. Do this as often as you can throughout each day.]
The worst that can happen with this exercise is you will feel happier. The best is that many people around you will become happy too!
Sending you Love and Joy!

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