Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As your energy vibration rises, it is more and more difficult to be around some people. Those who you used to love to hang with, laughing and chatting, now are draining your energy.

Think of it in this way: You used to be sitting on the floor playing with your friends. You were all on the same level and it was easy and fun. Then you learned to sit on a cushion. It was far more comfortable, and you could still reach fairly easily to play with your friends.

Then you began to sit up in a chair. This was very comfortable and you played with others sitting in chairs. However, some of your previous friends were still sitting on the floor…you had to bend over quite a distance to play. Sometimes it was a strain on your back.

Eventually you began to sit on higher chairs. It becomes a terrible strain on your back which makes it sometimes impossible to play with your friends that refuse to sit on chairs.

So you just play with them rarely, hoping someday they will learn how wonderful it is to sit up high on the comfortable chairs that are waiting for them.

So continue to sit high and enjoy the view as well as the conversations and energy of those sitting with you. For this is where the Ascended Masters and the Angels sit.

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