Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A lot of people right now are very discouraged, depressed and just plain tired of living. It is causing a lot of stress, anxiety, dis-ease and even in severe situations thought of suicide.

This is all part of the Ascension Process. Our bodies are physically shifting and changing as we get ready to move into the next dimension. It will not happen suddenly, it is a slow process. This gives everyone a chance to move ahead at their own rate.

You are feeling the distance from people who choose to remain in the old reality. You have a choice…stay with them and their way of thinking or move ahead and join your soul family.

Today I noticed as I was looking at the dress I was going to wear, that the patterns in the material were vibrating. I have seen that happen many times before. It is simply the body’s shift as it vibrates at a different speed and is able to see things in a different way. After all everything is vibration.

Tomorrow, I will address more information about vibrational frequencies and how various therapies can help you with Ascension. Until then, let go of the old and begin to fly with your new/old soul families!

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