Thursday, December 15, 2011


A great majority of the people I speak to are finding themselves frustrated with where they are in life. They want to move ahead and follow their heart’s passion. Many are on a spiritual path of eventually being healers, spiritual advisors and psychics. They are impatient to be getting on with it.

I understand those feelings. I had them from time to time, as I worked other jobs in the ‘real’ world. My spiritual learning and work was done around the work that paid bills. I just felt I would be more effective if I could do spiritual work full-time. I felt that my jobs were getting in the way of my spiritual path.

But then I was told clearly by Spirit that I needed to learn how to deal with the world. “Being in the world, but not of the world.” The lessons I learned during those times were invaluable for my growth.

I had one spiritual teacher tell me she went from learning about meditation and spiritual things to teaching them. She had never even practiced what she taught. However, there was a hollowness around her. Since then she went through some personal ‘fires’ and has been refined.

So remember when you are in the middle of your own ‘fires’ that you are being made into a beautiful, strong person. This will give you the ability to help more people in the future when it is time for you to do so. You are building your foundation. Build it strong, so it will stand the storms of life.

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