Friday, December 9, 2011


Tomorrow’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is already being felt by sensitive people. It brings up issues in personal relationships, making them glow larger than life. It can shake up finances and health.

So make sure that you take this time to take care of YOU! If you feel drained of energy, rest. If you feel down in the dumps, call a friend to cheer you up. Don’t allow yourself to take things too seriously right now…even yourself.

Take time for introspection. Make a list of the people who bring joy to your life and let them know how you feel. This will keep you in a good place as the people who are not on your list, are the ones to let out of your life.

Full moons are about releasing what no longer serves. So here come the emotions that pull you down! Do you want to release them, or do you want to continue to feel them throughout your life.

Today I released a lot of annoying thought patterns. Do you ever have those? Things you keep thinking, scenarios you keep playing out in your mind even though you yell. “Stop!” Today I looked at them, then thought a positive scenario over it.

Just after I have finished, I had a wonderful, dear friend send me a text message that reminded me of the kind of people I am blessed to have in my life. That was my ‘pat on the back’ from the angels telling me I did good! Gotta love those and my Shandie friend!

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