Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ascension Vertigo Style!

Ascension work has its challenges. One of the symptoms of a light worker awakening and opening to new ways is experiencing vertigo with no known physical causes. It is always important to rule out anything physical and have it treated medically.

Many years ago, I had vertigo so intensely that I could not drive. It lasted for almost two weeks, on and off. I had no physical issue. I pushed through it, by doing spiritual exercises…EFT and sweat lodges. (Since we had a sweat lodge in our backyard, it made it easier for me than some.) I am a Native American pipe-carrier, so I spent more time praying in that way.

I also continued with Sacred Geometry Merkaba work. Hmm…just shifted myself up to the next level! Lol!

I just spoke with a dear friend that had gone through similar issues with vertigo. She actually had been hospitalized, though the doctors could find nothing wrong. When she recovered, she began to veraciously explore spirituality. It had awakened her and began her on her spiritual journey.

So…hang on and get ready for an interesting ride as you become more spiritually attuned!!! If I can help you on your journey, give me a call!

May you be surrounded by the wings of the Angels!

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