Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today my boyfriend and I picked up some plants to spruce up the outside of our home. A couple of them begged to come with us, especially a fern that was marked down.

Tim dug the holes as I freed the flowering plants from their root bound prison. I gently encouraged them to break free. I sang to them and told them they were free to grow deep and wide with their roots. I gave them yummy Miracle Grow soil and lots of refreshing water. I assured them they were loved and wanted.

One of the hibiscus was especially sad and felt Tim didn’t want it. I assured him that Tim had picked him out. I finally had to ask Tim to tell the hibiscus that he was liked and wanted. Fortunately, Tim is in tune and also tolerant of my ways. He told the plant he liked it and wanted it to grow. I could feel an energetic shift within the plant.

One may call me crazy…many do! Lol! But most of you reading this, know that plants have energies. They also have much to teach us. Today something very important was revealed.

The fern that I brought home was extremely root bound. Tim had to get scissors to cut the plastic pot loose, in order for me to free the little guy from his confinement. As I gently cut his roots free from the circle they had created for themselves, I thought of the lesson I was being shown by this beautiful plant.

I had plants in the past that had hurriedly put into the soil and didn’t break their circle of roots. These plants had stayed stunted and eventually dried up and died. When I dug them up, I was surprised to see that in spite of the whole world in which to let their roots flourish, they continued to grow their roots in a circle. That is all they knew.

The plants that I had taken time to break their roots apart, in spite of the slight injury to their roots, took a different path. They branched out and grew strong into the earth pulling forth nutrition. They became healthy and strong.

Sometimes Spirit does that to us. They see us repeating the same pattern over and over…going in circles. We will be broken, sometimes roughly, out of that way of being. This allows us to grow and flourish in a beautiful way.

So don’t be discouraged when things get challenging. Know it is the Master Gardener at work, doing what needs to be done, so you can have a rewarding and wonderful life.

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