Xena was a great dog, but very high strung. Of course she was like a family member so she was a 100 pound excited Tigger bouncing all over our house. Sometimes, it would get on my last nerve.
My kids were pre-teen and teen at this time. I had taken them through a beautiful meditation where you could retrieve shots from an ancient chest. These shots looked like the ones with needles, minus the needles, so they were pain free. The medicines in them were either to give you energy or calm you down.
One day my 14 year old came home from school with an abundance of energy. “Mom, I think I over-dosed on my psychic shot!” he related. He said he had been so tired he was afraid of going to sleep. So he ‘gave’ himself and energy shot. He said it didn’t kick in right away, so he gave himself another. He said he then got so hyper that he almost got into trouble!
Back to Xena…one evening when we were all watching tv and trying to relax, the dog was pacing and trying to get us to play with her. I decided to give her a psychic relaxation shot. Within a few minutes she was laying on the floor totally mellowed out. She wasn’t asleep, just looked so relaxed she didn’t want to move.
I said, “Wow, that psychic shot really works! I just gave Xena a relaxation one and look at her!”
My son piped up, “She was on my nerves, so I did too!”
Then my daughter added a bit sheepishly, “So did I!”
Well, Xena did get a good rest. We had a peaceful night. However, we learned to communicate when we did something like that again…as well as learning the power of the psychic shot. Lol!
I will be recording that meditation and have it available soon in an mp3 on my website. If you are interested in a copy, email me so I can let you know when it is ready. morgana@morganastarr.com
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