Monday, September 12, 2011


After getting the third call for help asking what is going on with the energies right now, I felt it was important to go to Anael and see what message the angels have for us at this time.

“Most people are going through many shifts and changes right now. It is affecting varying aspects of their lives, especially relationships. Your first reaction is to look to see if the planetary alignment or full moon has something to do with this.

The answer is yes and no. The energies of the planets and the moon increase the intensity of what is happening right now. A full moon brings the hidden to light. You can feel this for three days before and after the actual time of the full moon.

Remember these hidden things are what is hidden with YOU. Too many times when we have conflict with others, we wonder why the person is acting that way. That is not your issue. They are clearing emotions and thought patterns within themselves just as you are doing.

Sometimes the way those close to you are shifting can act as a catalyst for your own internal change.

The world is changing fast. Those that want to be part of the new world of a higher vibration, HAVE TO change with the world. If you do not…you will be left in a lower vibration of strife and turmoil.

Things happen in the world. Some of those things are not very nice. Challenges arise. This will continue. What does not have to continue is a negative way of dealing with those changes.

Learn to see the good in all things. See the joy and the silver lining.

You have such power…you have no idea of the power you have. You can create such a beautiful reality for yourself if only you will begin the process! When conflicts arise with someone, stand back and allow them to work through their issues. It is not your job to fix them.

Right now men are having challenges different than women. Men are the strong providers and protectors. This is being pulled from them due to the issues of society. They are trying to find their space and it can spin them out of control. They can inadvertently lash out at the female around them.

Women are the nurturers and peacemakers. Their issues are rising up when they feel they are unable to provide that in their immediate lives and that of the world. Therefore, they respond in a wounded way to the men in their lives. This creates a circle of continuing conflict.

Now is the time to stand in YOUR Power! Stand in Love. True Love. Unconditional Love. That means…you are not in charge of someone’s happiness. Don’t place conditions on your love. Saying “I love you no matter what…I just want you to be happy,” is conditional love and not true love at all. You love them no matter what…whether they choose to be happy, sad, in conflict or joy.

That is the Love given to you by the Divine and the Angels. Mirror that love to each other and begin to see peace come to your world and your life! Above all remember you are here on this earth to learn lessons and evolve. You have our support and love as you move to higher realms!”

~Archangel Anael~

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