Sunday, January 22, 2012


Message channeled from Archangel Anael:

“Sometimes you can get caught up in injustice in this world. It can bring to many humans varying levels of negativity. Then you are caught in the trap before you are even aware of its existence. Like the butterfly trying to escape the imprisonment of its chrysalis, you try to fight your way free.

There is a time for fight in order to strengthen your muscles. But there is also a time for rest. For regardless of your struggles there is a certain amount of time that must pass before you are free of the constraints.

It can be excruciating as a healer watching another struggle. Remember they chose this path. We are to be there for support, but not to tell them what to do. Telling another what to do steps upon their free will at times, without you even realizing it.

Learn to ask questions to guide their thinking, so they learn to grow through their lessons. Do not take their lesson from them. For to do that you allow them to become as sheep blindly following a guide that may not be right for their soul.

We angels watch and encourage you to question all things and ideas in order to stretch yourself to your next level. Know that sometimes it the hardest and best thing you can do for a person is to walk away and allow them to find their own way.

Never forget we are here to help you grow and expand in all areas of your life…call on us and we are there. If you choose to go your way without our help though we know you will struggle more, we will stand back and wait until you call on us again.

Always we Love…Always we Serve…whether it be watching you suffer without our help or assisting you when you call.

Such is the Angelic Creed of the Elohim (my Angels of Light): ‘Love All…Serve All’ “

~Archangel Anael~

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