Monday, January 23, 2012


One of my students taking Anael’s Ethereal Methodology through me just received a channeled message from Archangel Anael. This is a yearlong program to work with the energy of AA Anael on every level: Psychic, Healing and Mediumship. She and her sister have a deep commitment to this ‘college-level’ program and I am so proud of them both! Her sister has done equally amazing work and you will be hearing from Anael through her soon.

“Situations, issues, dis-eases, accidents, bad luck, being born this way and so on are not reasons for bad things happening. They are lessons you asked for.

Now why would you ask to be sick or blind in this lifetime? It can be experiences , karma, to name a few. These may be in the long run or depending on what path, you choose it may be the short run.

Know you are just really trying to find your way back to Divine source. Where is Divine source? Why would you have to look for it? We tell you always to experience an easier path, to make the journey back home. One must live life through the eyes of a child…for the answer is simple. Truth is…Love, Will, and One-ness can be find within.

We, you , me, they, he/she, us, are the human experience of the self re-awakening self. You search for the Divine light you think is just out there.

Please earth Angels listen here...It is found within!.How to find it within? Open your heart & trust. For you who store this knowledge of truth by raising your vibrations…by giving from the goodness of your hearts understand.

The Angels Unconditional Love is of Divine Source and when called upon, they will lead you to Divine Love and wisdom. We Angels will help you understand that You are not separate of Divine source but are made of Divine Energy! Therefore ALL needs are truly met! It was your lesson to learn this all along.”

~Archangel Anael~

channeled through Toni Pugliese Costanzo Student Intern of Anael’s Ethereal Methodology under the direction of Morgana Starr.

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